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Rebecca Foundation launched the Relief Boxes Challenge

The Rebecca Foundation launched the RELIEF BOXES CHALLENGE today, to support our national effort to mitigate the effects of the preventive and treatment measures instituted by the government.

This challenge is to encourage individuals and organizations, especially those in the retail business to partner with the Rebecca Foundation, to donate boxes of food, everyday household items and hygiene products, to the vulnerable including, widows, the aged, the destitute, people with special needs and kayayeei with children.

These are indeed troubling times. There is a global crisis, that has taken lives, hospitalized many, crashed stock markets, and impacted global health systems in a way I have never seen in my lifetime. In these times we are all called to duty. Duty to stop the spread and ensure the sick recover. We also owe it a duty to support those most affected by the COVID 19 measures.

But let me emphasize that there is hope. Hope borne by that fact that the government and others are all working to eliminate the COVID 19 from Ghana. But we cannot take our foot off the pedal. That is why, I humbly entreat all of you to take up the challenge to contribute to the Rebecca Foundation’s Relief Boxes Challenge.

Today, I am happy to announce that Orca Deco has graciously donated 5000 boxes of food items for our initial donation later today. The Rebecca Foundation has also added packets of sanitary and hygiene items for distribution.

Thank you Orca!

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